Alpha 0.2

Here's the first update for Cardalaxy. It has a whole bunch of bug fixes an some improvements to various areas of the game. I haven't managed to get to everything yet but this build fixes some soft-locks and adds some important stuff. Check out the full changelog below. 

Thanks for all the reports and keep them coming! 


  • Updated planet rewards to all trigger the planet visibly flying down to the discard like it already did with planets unlocked via tech.
  • Added a tooltip to the strategic resources display in the production system.
  • Made points a bit larger on the planets to make them easier to see.
  • Removed the victory/defeat story message panels and merged it into the victory/loss screen.
  • The Cooperative Endeavors wellness reward has been buffed from 2 science / exploration points to 3 points.
  • Changed the Subversion crisis to heal the major threat as well instead of only the minor threats.
  • Added the missing Ship Armor marker. This marker is on each ship in the defense panel and shows how much defense you need in order to attack that ship. Note that the armor does not in any way reduce the damage you do. If a ship has 3 armor it takes 3 defense points to attack it and the attack deals 3 damage to the enemy ship.
  • Changed the description of the Extractor building to make it a bit clearer what it does.
  • Made a couple ships activate more often.


  • Getting or losing a building cost deduction now correctly updates the displayed cost of buildings.
  • Fixed a soft-lock that could occur when building the monument to progress on a planet, getting the Simplified Administration tech, or getting the National Pride wellness reward.
  • Deselecting a building now correctly clears the highlights on planets' building slots.
  • Fixed cargo ship granting the random points from defeating a ship even when it escapes.
  • Fixed a massive issue causing only the first copy of a building on a planet to apply it's special effects. This includes - Storage, Automated Systems, Crisis Response Center, Mental Scheduling, Modular Farm, Orbital Telescope, and Space Mines
  • Fixed glitched buildings still being checked and counted as buildings that could be built when determining if you could still build a building. This caused an incorrect warning in some cases where the only building that could be afforded was locked by the Glitches crisis.
  • When solving the Revolt crisis and the planet that is revolting is in your hand the total points you are earning will be properly updated instead of just clearing the revolt icon from the planet.
  • If you have the Zeal wellness reward and have defeated a ship that turn the end turn button no longer shows the crisis point since it wont be generated that turn.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Orbital Telescope to give the wrong type of points.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Modular Farm to be replaced by a second copy of the Ammunition Factory.
  • Fixed an issue where killing an enemy that held resources (Pirates) wouldn't return the points on a killing shot.
  • Fixed the T2 button not lighting up when it should due to not taking into account the building discount.
  • Fixed the Landing Ship not actually giving crisis points. It would show the point going over but when it arrived it wasn't actually counted.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the end position of buildings to be incorrect when they were moving to a building slot.
  • Fixed an issue where the Crisis Response Center building was not correctly calculating the value it should be adding to the planet.


Cardalaxy 0.2a 32 MB
13 days ago
Cardalaxy 0.2a 48 MB
13 days ago

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