Alpha 0.4

Now that the game is functioning pretty well we moved on to improving some of the system designs that we should needed more work. This build brings major changes to the Wellness system, minor changes to the Crisis system, adds new planet effects that can rarely appear on new planets you earn during the game, and has several other smaller changes and fixes.

Next up we are looking at some changes to improve the Defense system, adding T3 buildings, and trying to finalize the faction selection screen!

Please let us know if you notice any bugs or have any suggestions on how to improve the game.


For the wellness system not only did we change the visuals but we also changed how the system works, added a new bonus or two, and modified some of the existing bonuses. 

One of the big changes is to decay. Before, each reward would just increase the decay permanently but now it is based on the current wellness level. This way players can take a bit more risk with how much they devote to earning wellness and can more freely switch their focus to another system as they wont be stuck with a high decay value.

Another change is that bonuses that cant be lost such (Building unlocks) are now smaller and wont drain like the main bonuses do. This should make it clearer that you wont lose access to any buildings if the wellness level drops and it also makes it easier to regain progress in the tree as you wont have to fill them again to get back to the higher rewards.

The last major change was that now if you have decay built up gaining new wellness wont clear it out. This makes it a bit more punishing if you let the wellness drop too low as every time you will get closer to gaining more crisis points.


Speaking of Crisis we made some minor changes to that system as well. Crises now slowly resolve over time even if you don't put points into them. However now each crisis that occurs decreases how much it takes to trigger the next one (Min of 5).  After the first couple they wont clear fast enough to just wait them out but if one isn't causing you too much trouble you can focus on others and deal with them first while it ticks down.

As another minor change we also updated the code so that when randomly selecting a new crisis the system wont choose the last one you cleared out.


Planet effects are a new addition to the game. Before planets would be generated with a mix of points, slots, and resources. Now they can also get special effects. These are shown down below the planet along with any strategic resources the planet has. There is one for each of the 5 main point types which doubles that value of that type on the planet and there are two that reduce the build cost on that planet by either 1 or 2 production.



  • Wellness System overhaul.
  • Crisis System improvements.
  • Added Planet Effects.
  • Made some changes to improve the look of the exploration grid.
  • Changed enemy lasers to purple.
  • Reduced space mines' starting Defense from 6 -> 5
  • When Space Mines are fully depleted they are now automatically replaced with a depleted building. This allows directly replacing them with a new Space Mines building.
  • The Defense system now comes in one turn later so the system explanation doesn't appear at the same time as the Crisis one.
  • Adjusted planet generation a bit to make resources and a lot of slots less likely.
  • Changed the Exploration Reward and Tech Complete panels to have any associated planets shown above them rather than to the side. (Also fixes the exploration planet being shown down near the hand)
  • Changed the timing and position for resolving random points. They also now update the point displays when the points arrive rather than when they start heading there so it doesn't look like the points aren't being earned.
  • Minor visual change to the Revolting planet indicator.
  • Fixed tutorial text using the wrong font and thus being harder to read.


  • Fixed Galactic Network building not working
  • Fixed an issue that prevented tooltips from showing up to indicate why a building couldn't be built on the selected slot/planet.
  • Fixed several spots where the old default tooltips were being used. Let us know if you see any that we missed!
  • Fixed an issue where the game didn't know what size to show planets at if they had more than 5 slots.
  • Fixed the scaling of the planet selection pulse so that it matches the planet size.
  • Fixed an issue where the Exploration system could not be won due to Secrets of the Universe not being counted.
  • Fixed an issue where tech planets were not given to the player.
  • Fixed an issue where pirates would always be shown as holding a production.
  • Fixed the Planetary Shield wonder not applying to bosses.
  • Fixed an exception that would occur when clicking one of the point displays showing the current value of your selected cards.
  • Fixed the Mothership name not being set properly.
  • When the decay crisis occurs it should now show the decay immediately instead of waiting until you select a planet on the following turn.
  • Glitches now properly activates the turn the crisis occurs instead of only starting the turn after.


Cardalaxy 0.4a 27 MB
40 days ago
Cardalaxy 0.4a 45 MB
40 days ago

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